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Ebla Dynamic Logic Plus Documentation


Ebla Dynamic Logic Plus is a powerful extension for EspoCRM designed to enhance your EspoCRM experience by making data input more easy and efficient.

Installation & Setup

Refer to the installation guide for Ebla extensions.

Here is a screenshot of the new button on entity manager which leads to the configuration page of the extension:

Dynamic Logic Plus Configuration


See this example for a detailed explanation of how to configure the extension.


With Ebla Dynamic Logic Plus, you can define relation conditions for links between entities. For example, you can establish a relationship between Contacts and Accounts so that selecting a contact automatically fills in the associated account. Additionally, you have the option to hide these filters for a seamless user experience.

Dynamic Logic Plus Example


You can make those filters hidden for a seamless user experience.

2. Cascade Remove

This feature allows you to automatically remove linked items when the parent entity is deleted. For instance, suppose you have a parent entity "Project" with linked child entities "Tasks." Enabling cascade remove ensures that when a project is deleted, all associated tasks are also removed, preventing orphaned data.

Dynamic Logic Plus Example

This feature prevents the deletion of specific records if they have linked items from designated relationships. For instance, if you don't want to delete an Account that has associated Contacts, you can enforce that the Contacts must be removed manually before the Account can be deleted. This ensures data integrity and prevents accidental deletion of important records.

Dynamic Logic Plus Example

4. Cascade Updaters

Cascade Updaters are invaluable for recalculating linked entities based on changes in child entities.

For example, imagine you have an entity called "Order" with a calculated field Total that sums linked items in the "Order Item" entity.

If Quantity, Unit Price or Line Total are modified => Recalculate the Order entity formula.

Dynamic Logic Plus Example



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