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Dynamic Logic Plus Example


Dynamic Logic Plus Example

Screenshot is of the configuration page for entity "Payment" that has the following links & fields:

  • Orders
  • Payment Attempts
  • Account
  • Contact
  • Amount

Cascade Updaters

We have a formula on orders that calculate the paid amount of the order. We need to trigger the formula calculation when the amount of a payment is changed. As in the screenshot, you can see that we selected the Amount field in triggering fields and Orders in the target links. Only if the Amount field is changed, the formula on the Orders entity will be recalculated.

Cascade Remove

When a payment is deleted, we want to delete the related Payment Attempts records automatically.

We want to prevent the deletion of a payment if it has related Orders records. This means that the user must first delete the related Orders records before deleting the payment. Useful for maintaining data integrity and preventing accidental deletion of important records.

We need to make Account and Contact fields dependent on each other. When an Contact is selected, the Account field will be automatically filled in. When an Account is selected, the Contact autocomplete and modal select will be filtered by the selected Account. Same we did with Orders, we need them to be dependent on Account and Contact.