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WebPush Setup

  1. Navigate to Integrations -> Web Push.

    Web Push

  2. Add VAPID (Voluntary Application Server Identification) public and private keys. If you don't have keys, you can press the "Generate" button to create them.


  3. Go to Administration -> Mobile App -> Push Notifications Configuration.


  4. In the Push Notifications Configuration, find the "Default Provider" setting and change it to "WebPush."


  5. Setup Notification Icon and Badge by uploading a PNG images. img.png

  6. Users can subscribe and unsubscribe to push notifications from Push Notification Preferences.


Now, your EspoCRM instance is configured to use WebPush for push notifications.


  • Ensure that your browser supports WebPush.
  • Users need to grant permission to receive push notifications when prompted by the browser.



  • If users are not receiving push notifications, double-check the VAPID keys and ensure that the WebPush provider is correctly set as the default in the Push Notifications Configuration.
  • Review your server logs for any error messages related to push notifications.