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Espocrm Quick List Icons


Ebla Quick List Icons is an extension for EspoCRM that enhances the list experience by introducing several new buttons to the do quick action to records.

See it on website


Available Icons


  • Go to Administration -> Entity Manager -> Select Entity -> Edit Entity
  • From List Action Buttons field select the buttons you want to show in the list view and save.


  • Go back and select Layouts.
  • Add Action Buttons to the list or list small layout and save.


View Button

When you click the view button, it will open the record detail modal. quick-list-icons-3.png

Edit Button

When you click the edit button, it will open the record edit modal.


Delete Button

When you click the delete button, it will delete the record.


Follow Button

Star icon that shows the following status. When you click the star icon, if the record is not followed, it will follow the record. If the record is followed, it will unfollow the record.


Stream Button

Showing the number of posts in the stream. When you click the stream button, it will open the entity and scroll to the stream panel if exists.

